1. Pipeline Laying
a) Linepipe transfer
b) Linepipe buffering
c) Linepipe welding from Station 1 - 4
d) Linepipe Radiation Test (Using X-Ray or Gamma Ray)
e) Line pipe blasting (If primer coating applied)
f) Welded Linepipe buffering
g) Linepipe Coating (Primer coating, HD Coating and etc)
h) Linepipe Shrink sleeve application.
i) Pipeline laying onto seabed.
2. Platform Installation
a) Jacket Seafastening removal
b) Jacket Lifting (using crane)
c) Jacket Launching (Drop it into the sea and let it afloat and then guided near to the Stern of the barge.
d) Jacket upending.
e) Jacket levelling
f) Jacket set-up onto Sea-bed
g) Main Pile installation (This was done using ILT (Internal Lifting Tool) that was inserted inside the Main Pile.) minimum 4 pcs of main pile insert inside 1 jacket leg.
h) Crown Shim Welding
i) Transition Pieces Welding (if the Deck pole doesn't fit with Jacket Leg, this is require to be install.
j) Installation of Deck
k) Touch-up work (Welding, Painting, placing Staircase, toilet on Sea-deck and etc)
l) Punch list inspection.
After that, the hook-up team will take over, and the Installation team job is completed.
that's a lot of work