Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eery story told during Offshore

There is several stories that may cause each and everyone of us having a goose bump. From a glimpse of a woman flying down from newly installed Flare boom, to disturbance during sleep at accommodation area.

Story 1.

Happen in 2001 during the installation of ANDR-A Platform at 240 nautical mile offshore. After the installation of ANDR-A Platform, comes the phase of Flare Boom installation. After all preparation done and completed, Barge Foreman instructed the Derrick Crane Operator to start with the lifting of the Flare Boom, which is located at Cargo Barge next to Kuroshio-1 Barge. No unusual thing happen during the lifting and swinging from the Cargo Barge to ANDR-A Platform. The operation continues..

Once the Flare boom, touch down on the ANDR-A Platform, several Riggers went to remove all attached slings when suddenly a loud scream heard from top of the flare boom, and at the same time a glimpse of a woman, flying down from top of the flare boom, towards the bottom. Saw the situation, all Riggers run all over the platform with definite scare looks on their face. For the glimpse, it gone without a trace once reached bottom...

To be continue...


  1. Serius seriau waktu berada disitu, jelas nampak bayangan lembaga pompuan, melayang turun sambil menjerit dari puncak Flare Boom, turun ke bawah, dimana menghilang bila sampai kat bawah... sampai sekarang still terngiang2 suara jeritan tu.... huhuhuhu

  2. ader keje kosong mcm enchek tak?


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